Portfolio Category: Travel Fun

No more sluggish tourism

Sluggish tourism is the passive one. It's remaining all day long lying on the beach, no matter where it is, as long as the water is hot and the sun shiny. Sluggish tourism is to queue like sheeps in front of the same monument, to take all the same selfie, the same photo that every…
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Travel and gaming

Travel Fun is a gaming application for Android and Apple smartphones. The game exists in different modalities and themes, so that it can be played by one person, a group of friends or a family. TRAVEL FUN let you discover the city solving small puzzles that take you from a place to another, scoring points…
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The game where you are the heroe

Travel Fun is a gaming application for Android and Apple smartphones, which allows travelers to be actively involved in their tourism experience. First available in Valencia but planned for other intelligent destinations, TRAVEL FUN provides the tourist a game where he is the heroe. The game exists in different modalities and themes, so that it…
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